Tattoo Permission Release Form


Tattoo Permission Release Form


This Tattoo Permission Release Form has everything you need to take to your tattoo artist to have one of my images tattooed. I'm so honored when people ask to permission to have my art tattooed. So to make it easy on you I've come up with this simple release form. 

THIS IS A DIGITAL DOWNLOAD! I charge just $3.00 for this form, just a tiny fee to compensate me for the use of my art. 

All you have to do is download the form, print it out and fill in your name, and the title of the image you wish to have tattooed. The form is already signed by me, granting you permission to get the image tattooed.

If you need a copy of the image...You can print out the image from my website if you want...OR, even better...why not BUY A PRINT? ;) 

The letter says: 

This letter grants permission to (your name) for the non-exclusive 
use of the image titled: (Image Title) for the purpose of reproducing named image as body art in the form of permanent tattoo.
Permission is also granted for modification of the
image per the tattoo recipients discretion to accommodate
their vision and satisfaction.

Brigid Ashwood retains all original rights to the image. 
The image may not be used by any other party for any 
purpose without express written permission from the artist. 


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